Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Humberto Cazada Part 2

During my previous blog I provided a time line of Calzada's work; however, the series hung in the walls of the Frost Museum presents us a new dimension of the painter's career.


                                            The Splendor in Desolation , 2011.

Awakened by the various revolutionary movements that shook the middle east in 2011, Calzada goes into unexplored ground. His architecture is reduced drastically to a point of minimal influence like in the painting above. Here is not about the Cuban architecture, its about the fire that burnt the streets of Egypt, Libya and the hope of such liberating ideas getting to Cuba.

Tower 2, 2011

 Communication towers were another predominant theme in this series. As the world evolves into the technological era, we cant help but to be absorbed into it. These towers were protagonists in the domino effect of revolutions in the middle east. The use of the internet and mobile phones permitted the spread of information through out the globe, and the revolutionary ideas of the fight for freedom were embraced by many. Calzada also presents this predominant structures as center pieces of his work, to reminds us that  this technology can be used to the benefit of the people, but also as a powerful weapon to oppress the public. 

                                         Untitled, 2011.

Perhaps the apex of this series in the painting above...the painter of architecture now introduces an erupting landscape stamped by the Cuban royal palm trees. No sings of civilization and his brushstroke is rather loose compared to his previous work. I consider this piece the most powerful image of this exhibition. Its volcanic nature provides the climax of the energetic pulsion created by The Fire Next Time.